Friday, August 14, 2009

Sean Rady Rocket Boys

Rocket Boys stood out to me because it looked semi-interesting. I've already viewed One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and the others didn't catch my attention. I have not seen the movie October Sky yet so it will be interesting as to how the novel relates to the movie. My guess is not very closely. Most directors cut out a lot from the novel because of budget concerns. It is hard to cram a 424 page book within only two hours of film. I like Rocket Boys because of their dream to strive and be successful at something that is so unknown and unfamliar in the 1950's 60's and 70's. The relationship between Sonny and his family members was a tough one to decipher. Homer Hickam was a work-alchoholic,Elsie Hickam doesn't like the life of a coal miner's wife and Jim is the town chiche of a high school football Jock. I like the fact that Sonny had very little to no support from his family and yet he still reached his goal!

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