Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mary Roberts: The Things They Carried

So I'm reading The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien and I was surprised to find that it's not an actual story, more like a bunch of short stories that the author wrote about/based on his past. It's actually really good book, not as boring as I thought it would be. He talks about this guy Curt Lemon, the show-off in the group, who went "trick-or-treating" basically naked with nothing but a ghost mask(which he got from who knows where because come on people, there's a war going on here!) on Halloween while his platoon was stationed in Vietnam and his partner-in-crime Rat Kiley. O'Brien also tells of when he received his draft notice and how he hadn't wanted to go because he didn't know the purpose of the war, didn't believe in it. Seriously though, this books got a little of everything; kinda gory, a little sad, had a major "wtf!?" moment in there and even a little romance. You should definitely read it(:

1 comment:

  1. Rachel Shaeffer response to Mary Roberts
    This book sounds funny even though I usually like more of a consistent story. I think you convinced me and I might check it out! I've never heard of the book/movie.By the way which did you think was better, the book or the movie? Hopefully there were some good actors in it. And how was the google earth thing? It seemed kinda weird to me, so even though the books from that list seemed a little cooler I went with Option A. It's cool that the book had a some humor/ romance in it so it wasn't just a depressing war book. Also, since the author wrote it based on his own experiences. Glad you didn't spoil it but I need to know that moment now!
