Monday, August 2, 2010

Paige Emenheiser- The Killer Angels

I decided to read The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara because I am very fascinated by Gettysburg! Initially by older sister advised me to read it because she herself did when she took this class. I am glad I listened to her because this book definitely gives me more insight on what Gettysburg was like through the eyes of the generals! I normally wouldn't pick this type of book because I find bboks like this a little boring but it was the exact opposite of boring! The way the author writes is very realistic and the fact that he includes visual aids like maps helps you understand what is going on! I am happy I chose this book!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Paige! It sounds like you are really enjoying the book, I'm not sure if I make a new post or just post on yours, so I think I'll just post on yours. The book seems very interesting and I'm happy you are so enthusiastic about it. Can't wait to have Apush with you!

    --Franchesca Jenkins
