Thursday, August 5, 2010

Thomas Geeker - Catch 22

I read Catch 22 by Joseph Heller. I would recommend it to anyone because it is very entertaining and it is pretty funny. Heller writes with a lot of sarcasm and humor but to me it is kind of disorganized and confusing to read at times. He starts talking about characters before he even introduces the reader to the character and it makes it hard to follow sometimes. I had to go back and re-read pages and even chapters just to get a firm grasp of what was happening. Other than that this book is very interesting and I got a bunch of laughs out of it. It is a very good book

1 comment:

  1. Thomas you did a fantastic job of expressing your feelings on Catch-22. I respect how you dish out all your feelings about the book and hold nothing back. You express that it very interesting which makes me regret not choosing it. I have always enjoyed serious books with comical moments so i might just like Catch-22. Thanks for the great description Thomas.

    -Zach White
